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Test job ad

Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Test job ad

Test job ad at Department of XX, Aalborg University.

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Employment is in accordance with the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities(the Appointment Order) and the Ministry of Finance's current Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities. Employment and salary are in accordance with the collective agreement for state-employed academics.


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Application deadline 07 June 2024
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Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K, 9100 Aalborg

AAU’s uddannelser og forskning er problem- og projektbaseret og har fokus på det tværdisciplinære. Gennem samarbejde mellem forskere, studerende og offentlige og private virksomheder udbyder vi virkelighedsnære uddannelser og skaber forskningsresultater i verdensklasse. På AAU tror vi på, at viden kan og skal forandre verden. Derfor er AAU et universitet med ambitioner, der rækker langt udenfor murene og ind i kernen af de mest presserende globale og lokale brændpunkter.

Workplace has right now 110 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 105 candidates and 50 students and interns.

We DO NOT ACCEPT unsolicited job applications.
We perodically offer student internships

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